U3-3564XLE Rev.1.2

U3-3564XLE Rev.1.2
Illustrations may differ from the original
  • 1920 x 1200
    2.30 MPix
  • onsemi AR0234
    1/3" CMOS
  • 102.0 fps
  • USB 3 5.0 Gbps

Thanks to the versatile onsemi AR0234 1/2.6" CMOS sensor (1920 x 1200 px, pixel size 3 µm, 102 fps), the U3-3564XLE Rev.1.2 industrial camera with SuperSpeed USB 5 Gbps can be used in a wide range of applications. The exceptional shutter efficiency of the 2.30 MPix sensor enables impressively clear and sharp images of moving objects in different lighting conditions. The combination of high-quality global shutter sensor technology and cost-effective uEye XLE camera platform with support for the USB3 vision standard is an optimal, high-performance and long-term alternative for the popular uEye LE camera series with USB 2 interface. Thanks to its compact dimensions and USB Type-C connector, it can be easily integrated into any vision system.

The compact USB3 camera is available either with a plastic housing with C/CS-mount or S-mount or as a board-level version with or without C/CS-mount or S-mount.

Like all other camera models of the uEye XLE family, the U3-3564XLE Rev.1.2 is GenICam-compliant and thus compatible with our state-of-the-art SDK IDS peak software.

Item number
  • U3-3564XLE-C-HQ Rev.1.2: 1008766
  • U3-3564XLE-M-GL Rev.1.2: 1008767
Camera family XLE
Interface USB 3
Interface-Speed 5.00 Gbps
Sensor type CMOS
Sensor manufacturer onsemi
Frame rate @ resolution max. 102 fps
Resolution (h x v) 1920 x 1200 px
Optical Area 5.760 mm x 3.600 mm
Shutter Global Shutter
Optical class 1/3"
Resolution 2.30 MPix
Pixel size 3.00 µm
IP code IP0
Sensor model AR0234
Product Life Cycle Series
Data sheet


100% quality tested
uEye+ software support
USB3 Vision standard
SuperSpeed USB
5 Gbps
CMOS sensor
C lens mount
CS lens mount
C/CS lens mount
USB Type-C connector
3 years warranty
Made in Germany



UL recognized
ChinaRoHS EFUP 25
Barcode reading

In addition to process automation and logistics, IDS cameras also reliably recognize barcodes in other industries.

Gesture and eye tracking

Whether for research or entertainment: IDS cameras can be used to track eye movements and gestures, for example.

Kiosk systems

IDS cameras are used in self-checkout systems as well as in reverse vending machines and ATMs.


Cameras are indispensable in the logistics sector - e.g. for (de-)palletizing tasks, sorting tasks or in autonomous vehicles.

Safety technology

Image processing is used, for example, for access control or the monitoring of rooms or outdoor facilities.


Imaging systems can be found e.g. in self-checkout systems and reverse vending machines and provide support for shelf inspection.


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