Release Notes OPC UA Server 1.0


These release notes describe the new features of the OPC UA Server vision app. The vision app is used to enable communication with the IDS NXT camera via OPC UA.

OPC UA Server uses internally the "open62541" library, which is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0. This library may be used according to the terms of the MPL.

The source code of this library can be downloaded using the following link:

OPC UA Server 1.0.10

Notice: Different time formats are transferred via the OPC UA interface. These are defined in the specifications partly as UTC time and partly as "local time".

New functions

  • Save configurations with settings for
    • Camera
    • Color settings
    • External lighting
    • Inputs/outputs
    • RS-232
    • Trigger
  • Switch between stored configurations
  • Delete configuration
  • Save selected vision app as recipes
  • Switch between stored recipes
  • Delete recipes
  • Start/Stop OPC UA server

Known issues

  • The IP address of the camera can be obtained via DHCP or can be assigned fixed by the user. Currently only a pre-installed SSL certificate can be used, so the IP address does not match the host name or IP address in the certificate. This has to be confirmed in the OPC UA clients in some cases.
  • If a recipe is loaded and subsequently the ROI settings are changed in the vision app, the recipe is not recognized as "unsavedRecipe".
  • After reinstalling a vision app, it may be necessary to call the "PrepareRecipe" method twice to activate the corresponding recipe. Alternatively, after reinstalling a vision app, it is recommended to start the vision app once.

Status: 2020-11-30