Release notes for IDS peak 2.7


These release notes describe the changes in IDS peak 2.7 which introduces the reconnect feature for GigE uEye+ cameras (GV models) and uEye cameras (UI models), as well as I2C support in the uEye transport layer. The camera manager in the IDS peak Cockpit has been revised and new functions have been added.

IDS peak 2.7.1

General improvements

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the use of CMAKE without a .NET installation.
  • First version of a support tool that stores information about the system used and the camera configuration. You can send this information to IDS to enable easier error handling.
  • Internal improvement of the "ids_deviceupdate" tool.
  • Update of the GenICam modules and the associated updated license terms.
  • Added missing signing for the .NET libraries (dll).

Status: 2024-02-14

IDS peak 2.7

New and changed functions

From IDS peak 2.7 on, you can use automatic reconnect for GigE Vision cameras (GV models) or via the uEye transport layer (UI models) if the physical connection has been interrupted and restored, e.g. in the event of voltage problems. If the reconnect function is enabled, the camera is automatically reopened. If you have set that a UserSet is to be loaded when the camera starts up, the previous status of the camera is also restored.

Example process when the connection to a camera is disconnected:


Example process when the connection to a camera is restored:


IDS peak Cockpit

The camera manager has been revised and enhanced. The performance of the camera list has been improved so that you get a quick overview even in applications with multiple cameras. In addition, functions that were previously only available in the expert view have been included in the basic view.

A new feature is a context menu that you can access on each camera to open/close the camera or save XML information.

New functions in the camera manager
New functions in the camera manager

IDS peak comfortSDK

  • To use the reconnect function, new function calls have been implemented in IDS peak comfortC as well as the corresponding notifications for the connection loss (DeviceDisconnected) and reconnection (DeviceReconnected), as well as the notifications for a new camera (DeviceFound) and a lost camera (DeviceLost).
  • A maximum value can be defined for gain which should not be exceeded. (IDS peak AFL is used for this control).

IDS peak genericSDK

  • To use the reconnect function, new function calls have been implemented in the IDS peak genericSDK and new callbacks for connection loss (DeviceDisconnected) and reconnection (DeviceReconnected) have been added in the DeviceManager.

IDS peak AFL (Auto Feature Library)

  • A maximum value for the gain has been added for the brightness control (PEAK_AFL_CONTROLLER_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS) in the IDS peak AFL.

GEV Transport Layer / U3V Transport Layer / uEye Transport Layer

  • For the reconnect feature, the following category was newly introduced in the "System" module of the transport layer: ReconnectControl.
  • ReconnectControl contains the nodes ReconnectEnable and RegisteredReconnectEventsCount which were previously under SystemControl. The nodes ReconnectRemoteDeviceAcquisitionRestartEnable and ReconnectRemoteDeviceConfigurationRestoreEnable are new.
  • In the "LocalDevice" module, the IsReconnectEnabled node in the ReconnectMonitor category has been renamed to ReconnectActive. The RemoteDeviceConnected node has been added.
  • In the "DataStream" module, the nodes IncompleteFramesPacketError and IncompleteFramesBufferOverflow have been added to the StreamMonitor category.
  • You can now use I2CControl via the uEye transport layer to use the I2C features of the USB uEye LE, USB 3 uEye LE, uEye LE USB 3.1 and GigE uEye LE camera families.
  • The nodes DeviceLinkSpeed and DeviceReset can be used for UI models via the uEye Transport Layer.

Further information on the respective nodes can be found in the IDS peak manual.

General improvements

  • The IDS peak genericSDK as part of the Windows setup is more finely subdivided from version 2.7 on. For example, you can completely deselect components such as IDS peak AFL (development library for auto features) or selectively select or deselect bindings for programming languages such as Python or .NET.
    This change means that previous versions of IDS peak have to be completely uninstalled before the new version is installed. The setup automatically detects previous versions and displays a corresponding message to uninstall the previous version.
  • A bug was fixed that caused incorrect values to be set for the ROI (region of interest) of the automatic white balance (BalanceWhiteAuto).
  • A bug was fixed in the "ids_devicepassword" tool.

Known issues

The list of known issues can be found in the corresponding ReadMe files for Windows and Linux.

Status: 2024-01-02