Sustainability at IDS
Conserve raw materials, optimize processes, minimize CO2 footprint, think ahead...
"Our sustainable, ethical business practices actively protect the environment." - this is an important IDS guiding principle that we are constantly living. In addition to the development and production of climate-neutral camera families, it also includes "green" logistics, fairness towards our business partners as well as family awareness and a good work-life balance.
In almost all countries, our products help to conserve raw materials and optimize processes. Thinking ahead is our motto. Even small changes can make a big difference. We are also focusing on environmentally friendly mobility with bike leasing offers or a job ticket for our employees and by converting our vehicle fleet to electric cars.
Our company restaurant is supplied by regional producers and contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions due to shorter transport routes. At the same time, the paperless office makes it easier for us to work from home and saves resources...
You can find out more about how we live sustainability on our new web page.
Just take a look!