IDS receives certificate as "family-conscious company"

FamilyNET rating "with distinction"

The compatibility of work and family life is a key criterion in the competition for qualified specialists. Family-conscious, life phase oriented companies increase their attractiveness on the labor market with these characteristics. This is a particular concern for the manufacturer of digital industrial cameras in Obersulm. With success: The Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Employers' Association and the State Family Council have awarded IDS the familyNet rating as a family-friendly company in Baden-Württemberg.

IDS: family-conscious company

At the award ceremony, Dr. Birgit Buschmann, Head of the Department for Economics and Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, acknowledged IDS for its family-friendly personnel management:"There is a life next to the company" - company founder Jürgen Hartmann's concern is family consciousness and appreciative treatment of employees. Corporate parties with family and children's programmes, barbecue facilities for departmental meetings and well-established health weeks contribute to the feel-good factor.

The need for family-friendly measures is identified in surveys and implemented promptly."

This year, a total of 58 companies from industry, services and the social economy were awarded the title "family-conscious company" for a systematic, family-oriented personnel policy as part of the nationwide familyNET project. IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH is one of the 20 companies that received the certificate "with distinction".