Intelligently tested
Fully automated, visual end-of-line inspection with AI performs complex controls
Manufacturers place high demands on production equipment: They should be trouble-free and cost-efficient with the highest possible throughput, produce zero-defect quality and be highly flexible. However, conventional quality inspections often have lacks in terms of reliability, flexibility and detection rate and are relatively expensive. The more complex the test situation is, the more challenging the quality assurance is, but at the same time, the greater the potential for savings.
The use of industrial cameras for visual inspection is often a first step towards automation. If artificial intelligence is added, a self-learning, self-sufficient 100% test is possible. The example of end-of-line testing of complex assemblies with multiple test characteristics shows how artificial intelligence can master even demanding situations.
The Austrian company Nordfels GmbH has developed an automatic, self-learning testing machine for the visual 100% inspection of assemblies or aggregates of any kind. This "deep learning inspector" consists of an articulated arm robot, intelligent software and a GigE Vision industrial camera from IDS.