uEye XC nominated for inspect award 2023
Which Vision product is your favorite?
The jury of the inspect award has made its preselection. Now it's your turn! With your vote, you decide which new product is really innovative and offers the greatest benefit for the user. Our industrial-quality uEye XC webcam is listed in the "Vision" category. The compact industrial camera with autofocus is easy to operate and also suitable for close-up applications thanks to the macro attachment lens. If you are convinced of this concept as much as we are, we would be delighted to get your vote!
On www.inspect-award.com you will find all nominated products including short descriptions and you can directly choose your favorite vision solution. To find out more about our webcame alternative uEye XC, visit our website for detailed information.
Voting takes only a few clicks. The three products with the most votes in each category will receive the inspect award in October.