Embedded vision construction kit

Prototype development with the uEye Python interface and Open CV

The evolution of the classical machine vision towards embedded vision is rapidly evolving. These compact systems, in which the cost factor plays a major role, consume less energy with increasing performance.

But developing an embedded vision device can be very time consuming and cost-intensive. The limitations of these highly specialized devices regarding data interfaces, performance, storage space and user interfaces make hardware handling and software development very difficult compared to a desktop workstation with standard components. Especially with proprietary developments (hardware platform, firmware and software) you may lose a lot of time until the first results are available.

Prototype development with the uEye Python interface and Open CV

But especially for the pre-development phase there are now a number of suitable embedded standard components that allow out-of-the-box testing. In combination with qualified software solutions, the first insights for vision applications can be derived very quickly. Our TechTip shows in a few simple steps how to implement a simple embedded vision application with a uEye camera and a Raspberry Pi 3.